Monday, June 4, 2012

Let it be told: The Hype on National Debt

Obama confronted Mitt Romney's accusations about excessive federal spending, calling it out as a "cowpie of distortion." True enough, the debt ceiling is blown through the roof. But the question is, what's going to give. while our country hang's in the balance. Distress is rising over government spending and high budgets.
   With the issue of federal spending being as much of concern as the job market, republicans are luring attention to government guidelines to take back control of the U.S. House after 4 years of Democratic rule. These days, the economy remains the first priority in the minds of the voters. Which will explain Mitt Romney's consistent badgering over Obama's handling of federal spending and the national debt: "Sweeping across the nation, threatening the country's future." He went on to talk about inflating the debt, ballooning the federal budget deficit with the 2009 economic stimulus and holding that Obama promised to cut the health care bill.
     But looking at reality of the economic situation, it would still cost to fix the problem. How can you expect a change as drastic as the one we're looking forward to, and not expect  to spend any money. The Bush administration created a catalyst of spending that would have left any president with there hands full. While campaigning in Colorado, California, and Iowa last week, he argued that federal spending slowed to rates not seen in decades. After inheriting a $1 trillion large debt, he pushed for $2 trillion in spending cuts. The president pointed to Romney's tax proposal, saying it would give millionaires tax cuts at the expense of the debt.
     Obama clarified Mitt Romney's trumped accusations, calling his claims a "cowpie of distortion." and would saddle the debt with $5 trillion in new tax cuts, putting the so called prairie fires out with gasoline. "What happens is", Obama says, "the republicans run up the tab, and then we're sitting there and they've left the restaurant." again Obama said at a campaign event in Des Moines, "and say who order all those steaks and martinis?"
   In turning attention to debt, republicans are tapping a winning issue they deployed in congressional races two years ago. in October 2010, Republican pollster Wes Anderson said congressional campaign shifted away from jobs and economy, to trying to make the public focus on a scare that government is taking us over the cliff. A very common but effective political tactic to persuade the public.
   The White House has responded to this with cold hard facts. White House Press secretary Jay Carney cited an analysis by Market Watch that said spending under Obama had slowed more than any president since Dwight Eisenhower. Obama backed up the report telling donors in  Denver that his work to pay down the federal debt in a "balanced and responsible way is starting to appear in places since I've been president." "Federal spending has restrained at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years." Market Watch is published by Dow Jones & Co., Which also publishes the Wall Street Journal.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act

  About a year ago, The Obama Administration announced the launch of the government Accountability and Transparency Board. First announced by the President and vice-president in June as part of the campaign to cut wasteful spending, will focus on rooting out misspent and misappropriated tax dollars. This means better management for economy and where this money is going.
  This making government spending more accessible and transparent for the american people. The President named several of the watchdogs and leaders on Government Accountability to the board. Which will be led by the interim Chairman Earl Devaney to begin development plans to enhance transparency in federal spending and rooting out and stopping waste of spending by government officials as well as fraud, and abuse in federal programs.
  Cutting waste, fraud, and abuse has been something Washington has talked about for decades, but now more than ever, what the American people need is action. Democracy is a community effort. We should no longer depend on leadership, just to wait for the sh** to hit the fan before we start being aware and taking steps to prevent mistakes and corruption.
  Fedreal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act is not just a law put in place for our protection, but an opportunity for us as a society to do what our country was establish to do by Natural Law, PARTICIPATE. In the security and well-being of ourselves.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Power is exercising our Voice

    For a long time now, I have took a personal interest in studying and researching areas of community development, civic engagement and public policy; and how these concepts and/or fields of interest are suppose to be the dynamics of changes within our community.By Law of Nature we can create a Sovereign Power that is capable of resolving any of our problems. This power that I'm speaking of is known as the civic good. The standard of Democracy. It is termed by sociologist as social capital. Capital being a resource we can draw from to satisfy a need or demand. Something that we might also call Value.
    The Voice of Vanguard is an exploration in what is being done in our community and being able to discern or understand the actions taking place by our officials and corporate leaders, and finally voice our opinions, objections, and ideas. This is not a movement but a way of expressing democratic power and for interested beginners in community affairs, this is a place to begin your quest in knowledge.
     Whether you have a Ph.D or  Masters in political sciences; humanities, or sociology; or just a concerned citizen, your voice is valued here. Our only objective is to begin a process where we are believing in ourselves and each other as a community to create that sovereign power, civic good, or social capital..