About a year ago, The Obama Administration announced the launch of the government Accountability and Transparency Board. First announced by the President and vice-president in June as part of the campaign to cut wasteful spending, will focus on rooting out misspent and misappropriated tax dollars. This means better management for economy and where this money is going. This making government spending more accessible and transparent for the american people. The President named several of the watchdogs and leaders on Government Accountability to the board. Which will be led by the interim Chairman Earl Devaney to begin development plans to enhance transparency in federal spending and rooting out and stopping waste of spending by government officials as well as fraud, and abuse in federal programs.
Cutting waste, fraud, and abuse has been something Washington has talked about for decades, but now more than ever, what the American people need is action. Democracy is a community effort. We should no longer depend on leadership, just to wait for the sh** to hit the fan before we start being aware and taking steps to prevent mistakes and corruption.
Fedreal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act is not just a law put in place for our protection, but an opportunity for us as a society to do what our country was establish to do by Natural Law, PARTICIPATE. In the security and well-being of ourselves.